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Home Sweet Home:  We provide and pack ready-to-go packs for children, women, and men at Home Sweet Home.  If you would like to know what's in a ready-to-go pack, please click here.  Items may be brought to the church and put in the appropriate collection basket in the fellowship hall.  Check the calendar for packing dates/times.


Arba Care:  Our elderly neighbors are in need of assistance from time to time.  We collect different hygiene items for the residents of Arba Care, and you can find out those type of items by clicking here.  Items can be brought to the church and placed in the appropriate collection basket in the fellowship hall.  In addition to collecting personal care items, we also provide cards for birthdays and anniversaries for residents, and occasionally provide small gifts.


Park UMC Food Pantry:  Another local United Methodist church, Park UMC has a food pantry that serves local residents.  We collect items in the church fellowship hall and deliver them to the food pantry once each month.  Click here to get a list of items that are most needed at the food pantry.


Sarah Raymond School:  Just one block from West Olive Faith UMC, Sarah Raymond School is District 87's early childhood center, and the only school in the district without a parent/teacher organization.  Our church adopts this school, and provides for it throughout the year.  Our current projects include providing school supplies, extra socks and underwear, mittens, gloves, scarves and hats.  We also provide food and pack bags twice each month to send weekend food home with children who need it.  We care for the teachers as well, providing a free cookie walk at the church each December, and caring for the staff during Teacher Appreciation Week in May (breakfast, chair massages, and an annual potluck are just some of the ways we care).


Outreach Opportunities

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